Sunday, January 22, 2012

My Mission

My mission today is to get this house on it's way to being cleaner & to complete one of the "big to-do"s (these include things like rearrange the furniture in the bedroom, organize the kids clothing and get rid of the too small stuff, organize closets, taking the couch cushion covers off and washing them, etc).

I think today I will work on cleaning the downstairs and organizing -& possibly if i get to it, rearranging the furniture in- my bedroom. I also would like to hang the curtains up in my bedroom finally. Most of the other windows have curtains now, but not ours, and I have everything I need so I don't know why I haven't gotten around to it yet.

A few other goals for today are (1) play school with Audrey & practice writing letters and (2) have alone play time with Jacob while Audrey naps. We'll work on his standing and pulling up and talking and we'll play games like "ride the horsie" (bounce on my knee) and peek-a-boo and "oops you dropped it". He recently learned this game. I'll put him in his jumper or high chair or swing and give him a toy. He'll drop it and listen to the sound it makes when it hits the floor. I'll say "Oops! You dropped it!" and I'll hand it back. Eventually I'll switch the toy to one that will make a different sound. We use blocks, plush toys, rattles, etc. He loves it and grins. He doesn't laugh as much as I remember Audrey laughing at this age and I don't really know why. But, I'm not really worried about it. He's clearly happy and healthy and on the right track developmentally.

Maybe we can even go for a walk today if it doesn't rain the whole time. Well, those are my goals for today.

I better get to work! :D

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