Monday, January 23, 2012

Lazy Day Couch Cuddles

Today, I miss lazy day couch cuddling the most. I want to cuddle on the couch with him and feel him against me, his arms wrapped around me. We'd probably talk about how lazy we were feeling, what we wanted to do today, what we wanted to eat. We'd drink coffee. We'd be warm, and together. You don't really realize how truly awesome those moments are until you haven't experienced them for a while. I guess that's not true though, I've always felt those moments are awesome even while they were happening. Probably especially while they were happening. A blanket is no substitute for my man's arms. I like how during those moments he takes up a lot of my senses. I can smell him, feel him, see him. Sometimes I taste him, lol. Couch kisses are lovely. His absence is this void in me, in my heart, in my life, in my happiness. I long to have him back, to have him home.

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