Sunday, January 08, 2012

Let It Be

This morning I came to realize once again that I'm losing the battle I'm always fighting with life- the battle of keeping my house clean.

Honestly I know I should set aside more time to clean, but I feel that even if cleaning is all I did during nap times and after bed times the house still wouldn't be clean.

Some people are born cleaners, actually enjoy it all the time. I am not one of those people.

Anyway, in other news, Audrey and I have taken to building living room forts lately. She loves it. Today we "played school" in the fort, looking at flash cards & trying to write the letters on her magna-doodle. I'm thinking i'll make her a report card with straight A's and smiley faces to mail to Daddy.

I love playing with her, she has such a great imagination.

I constantly worry that I'm doing things wrong. Does that ever go away? I get so short tempered with her sometimes. It's just so hard without Jimmy here to help me...

I miss him terribly. I constantly worry about him, too. Cranking, having a miserable time, about to spend another birthday on that ship away from home, from family and friends. *sigh* Just a bit longer... of course he'll go out again a month later. But we're NOT thinking about that. Of course not. That would just be silly. You really want to know what I like to think about?

Me & him, some snazzy hotel, putting the "do not disturb" sign up...

We've never had a vacation together. I bought the tickets, hotel reservation, and blue man group tickets all the other day. My excitement is palpable.

Until next time,
The (messy but happy)housewife

P.S. photos are from my phone. I made the wreath. The kids loved playing with light up toys in the fort. & we emailed the bath picture to Daddy. He loved it.

1 comment:

Momma said...

I loooove your blog!!!!