Saturday, December 17, 2011

Thither's Visit

Candi got to come visit! We had such a wonderful time! The first day was spent making sweets, sweets, and more sweets! The second day was craft time. Candi started working on some really great looking stool cushions for her boyfriend's Christmas gift, & I puttered about with different things. I made a hair tie full of ribbons for Jenay, in her school colors. Then I made two felt ornaments for Dad and Mamma Tracy. The next day we mailed out a package to them full of sweets and little presents, then we went to Seattle & took Audrey ice skating. She had so much fun! It was a blast. Afterward, we went out to eat & then to look at a Christmas light display right there by the restaurant. We had a very good time. Then the next day we lounged around & then had dinner at the hawaiian restaurant that Jimmy & I love. It was a wonderful visit, and I'm so glad Candi got to come.

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