Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Friendships

Well, it's past my bed time, but that's about the only time when I ever get a chance to update this blog.

We are doing well these cold & rainy days of late December. Christmas turned out much more successful than I'd imagined. Audrey loved her presents, and Jacob has had a lot of fun with his new things as well. We went to eat Christmas dinner with Jeanette & her family. We met over 9 months ago when both our families were on the way to Seattle on the ferry. Audrey saw Hayla, Hayla saw Audrey, and they were immediate best friends. They danced, hugged, kissed, played ring around the rosy, while we parents looked on in amazement. How easy it is for two year olds to make friends! If only we could walk to a perfect stranger and play a game of ring around the rosy- it would definitely be a conversation starter! LOL!

Anyway, Jeanette and I exchanged phone numbers. Since neither of our girls have many little friends their age, we decided play dates were a must. It seemed like fate, or God, or the universe, what-have-you, had other plans however. We were unable to get together until Christmas this year. It was like the girls met on the ferry the day before though, once again they were immediately best buds and playing together.

It makes me so happy to hear Audrey talk about her new friend and how much fun she has with her. And I'm excited to have some new friends, too.

I spent a while moping about my lack of friends when I first came back from my trip in Texas. After being around family for so long & returning to my home full of Jimmy's things, being constantly reminded of him & not having friends to distract me, I was sure I'd spend the last four months of the deployment in a depression. But, just a few weeks after my return, I met Ali. Ali is a fellow stennis wife and we've been hanging out regularly since we first did, on Halloween. She helped me take the kids trick or treating, and I fed her dinner in return. After that she came over about once a week for a while and we'd eat dinner, drink a bottle of wine, and talk for hours. She is a wonderful new friend and I'm so happy we met.

And now I have Jeanette for a new friend, and I just love her. She's so kind & must be a wonderful mother; Hayla is clearly a very bright, kind, and well mannered girl. I'm excited to hang out with her more.

Jimmy has started "cranking". I'm not exactly sure how to define this but it's a whole different job that he has to do 12 hours on 12 hours off for about three months I believe. Right now, because he's the latest person to begin cranking, he's working in the scullery. He washes dishes. And he hates it. He says since he doesn't have to think about what he's doing, he's constantly thinking about how much he misses me and the kids. He's a sweetheart.

I mailed out this awesome birthday package for him! I mailed it to his friend that works in his shop, so Jimmy won't even know about it. It's basically a surprise party in a box. I made pineapple upside down cake in a jars & chex mix. Plus, there is a banner, some silly string, balloons, some gifts for jimmy, and other little things. He has no idea! I am so excited, I hope the party goes really well. This will be the second birthday in a row that Jimmy has spent on the ship, and I know it can't be great because he's not here with us, but hopefully it can still be a fun one.

Gosh, I've written a lot. Guess I should show you some pictures and then get my butt to bed!

Ready for Santa to visit!

Lookin' so handsome Christmas morning.

Santa brought roller skates...

& an awesome jumpy toy!

Jacob & Gabby hangin' out after Christmas dinner

Jeanette & Jacob

The beautiful Ms. Hayla & Audrey playing together

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Jacob Playing

Jacob discovered his mirror while playing today & sat talking to his reflection for a good while. Ofcourse, as soon as I tried to get a video the batteries on the camera died.
He really doesn't need mistletoe to get lots of kisses! He's such a handsome li'l man!

No pictures of Audrey this post, poor girl is sick today. Not feeling well at all. Hopefully she'll have this bug out of her system by tomorrow. Christmas is only a few days away!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Crafts, Crafts, Crafts!

I finally got a pegboard up in my craft area. :-)

And I made this card today. What do you think?

I am so happy to have a more organized craft area. I'm currently working on a Christmas gift for a friend- a collection of various greeting cards! I hope she loves them all. She is a big card-giver. Her family jokingly calls her the "card lady", so I think she'll get some use out of them.

While I set up the peg board, Jacob played on the floor & Audrey jumped on my bed. I love those two kiddos.

Everytime Audrey comes in my room now she sits at my chair next to my table & says, "Want to make a craf, Mom?" :) She loves stamping & coloring & making beautiful pictures for her Daddy.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Thither's Visit

Candi got to come visit! We had such a wonderful time! The first day was spent making sweets, sweets, and more sweets! The second day was craft time. Candi started working on some really great looking stool cushions for her boyfriend's Christmas gift, & I puttered about with different things. I made a hair tie full of ribbons for Jenay, in her school colors. Then I made two felt ornaments for Dad and Mamma Tracy. The next day we mailed out a package to them full of sweets and little presents, then we went to Seattle & took Audrey ice skating. She had so much fun! It was a blast. Afterward, we went out to eat & then to look at a Christmas light display right there by the restaurant. We had a very good time. Then the next day we lounged around & then had dinner at the hawaiian restaurant that Jimmy & I love. It was a wonderful visit, and I'm so glad Candi got to come.