Time is very weird lately, crawling so slow one minute, and racing ahead the next. Audrey's 3rd birthday was just a few days ago. Her daddy was so sad he couldn't be here. He did get to call her that morning to wish her a happy birthday and talk to her for a few minute though, so we were grateful for that.
Thanksgiving just passed and it went alright. I missed my family very much, and remembered playing board games and eating my dad's turkey, the house full of relatives. It was always a little chaotic, which just added to the joy. This year I made sweet potato casserole & my neighbor made a turkey. We swapped food. It was nice to not have to cook a big meal and still get to eat some delicious turkey. We still have leftovers in the fridge, which is nice. Although it was a lonely holiday without Jimmy or any family members, it still went well. Audrey and I talked about all that we are thankful for, which is a whole lot.
Jacob is teething & handling it pretty well. He's just growing up so fast. He's so stinkin' cute, too. I just love how he grins at me from across the room when I'm cooking in the kitchen or sewing in the dining room. I can see his two little bottom teeth now when he smiles at me, and it's just the sweetest smile, melts my heart. He's going to be one handsome boy. Gets that from his handsome daddy. He's standing with support, sitting without, crawling, and saying syllables now (ga, ga, ga or da, da, da). Oh and he's 8 months old. Where does the time go? Before we know it we'll be planning his first birthday, which Jimmy will be here for. I'm excited for that.